Digital Ethnography Workshop
Wednesday October 9th @ 5:00 PM, GEM Lab, FB 630.15 (1250 rue Guy)
Join us for the first installment of our Digital Ethnography Workshop! We’ll discuss practice-based research methods, introduce lab equipment/training, and consider practical details related to site-specific research. For Wednesday’s session we will begin with a few texts related to media anthropology:
Joshua Neves, "Beijing en Abyme: Outside Television in the Olympic Era"
Brian Larkin, Introduction to Signal and Noise: Media, Infrastructure and Urban Culture in Nigeria
Lisa Parks, "Around the Antenna Tree: The Politics of Infrastructural Visibility"
Our discussion will focus on research design, building a research archive, and different ways of incorporating media ethnography, etc., into your project. To register and access the readings, e-mail with the subject heading "Digital Ethnography Workshop"
GEM Equipment Workshops
Teagan, the GEM Lab technician, is offering the following upcoming workshops, drawing from her wealth of experience as an independent filmmaker working on a variety of projects. To claim a spot in any of these workshops, email All workshops are between 2:00-4:00pm.
OCTOBER 18 – Camera Basics
Whether it’s your own camera or the cameras available from the lab (A7sII, XA30, Osmo Pocket, etc.) we’ll work together on getting you started with the theory and tips on how to shoot effective sequences, documentation or interviews.
OCTOBER 25 – VHS / Digital Transferring
This workshop will cover the lab’s VHS transfer setup as well as the tools and methods of archiving media. If you have specific analogue or digital devices you are looking to archive from, email Teagan in advance or bring the device to the workshop (if size permits).
NOVEMBER 1 – Audio Recording
This workshop will cover tips and tricks for recording quality audio and the various tools from the lab that can help you do this (handy recorders, microphones, etc.) This can cover uses from online talks to interviews and video essays, depending on the needs of the users of the workshop.
Tales of Speculative Energies
Screening and talk with Mia Yu (Beijing-based artist, curator, researcher), moderated by Weixian Pan (Queen's University)
Thursday October 24th @ 5:30 PM, GEM Lab
For the past three years, artist and curator Mia Yu has been researching about China’s disrupted landscape of fossil fuel extraction and its complex histories. She is currently developing a multi-faceted project titled “Tales of Speculative Energies” that includes an on-going film series (“Fossil Fuel Trilogy”), a performance series (“Let Me Tell You a Story About Sediments”), workshops ("A New Glossary") and exhibitions. This project, as a whole, seeks to question what energy means in an era of climate change and energy transition. Mia Yu’s two recent films Eme Cosmos and Amber narrate planetary territories related to Fushun, the largest site of fossil fuel extraction in Asia. By tracing a list of key words developed in the research process and screening her latest films, Mia Yu will show us the possible ways of imagining speculative energy through various modes of cosmotectics and mythology.